How Can Digital Twins Be Used in Systems Engineering?

Laser scan of plant
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0) is rapidly transforming society, economies, and different industries. A key component of Industry 4.0 is interconnectivity and the increasing integration of virtual and physical environments. This has led to the emergence of new technologies, like the metaverse, advanced simulations, and digital twin technology.…
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How Can Digital Twins Be Used in the Construction Industry?

Road Construction in New Iberia, LA
Digital twin technology has advanced rapidly in recent years and has found many use cases in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) fields. In the construction industry, digital twins have become increasingly popular as a way to manage construction projects. They can be used to track the progress of projects,…
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When is Wetland Mitigation Required?

Boat traversing wetlands
The United States federal government protects the nation’s wetlands both directly and indirectly through acquisitions, regulations, and various incentives and disincentives. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) is the primary legislation used by the federal government to regulate activities that impact the nation’s wetlands. While coastal wetlands benefit…
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What is a Digital Twin?

Digital Scan of Valero Plant
 The growing integration of our physical world with virtual environments and smart technology has sparked the Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0). At the forefront of Industry 4.0 is big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Web 3.0, and the metaverse. Digital twin technology is another key pillar of Industry…
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What is Land Use Mapping?

Survey & Mapping
Heat map for land usage
Land use mapping is a method of analyzing land use patterns with the help of remote sensing technology like LiDAR and radar. You can use these technologies to create detailed maps and see the changes in the land’s use over a period of time. For example, it can show how…
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How Much Does Wetland Mitigation Cost?

South Louisiana Wetlands
In 2019, the value of the United States’ mitigation banking industry crossed the $300 billion mark in approved, land-based ecological assets. These ecological assets are available for purchase as compensatory mitigation credits. The growth in the value and number of assets is attributed to the rapid growth of mitigation banking…
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How to Purchase Wetland Credits

Southwest Louisiana wetlands
The United States is struggling with numerous environmental issues—including air and water pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. These issues make safeguarding our environment and resources more important than ever. One of these vital resources is fresh water. For over four decades, Section 404 of the Clean Water…
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How Does Wetland Mitigation Work?

Lake Boudreaux Terraces, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Wetland mitigation is the process of creating or restoring wetlands lost to development. The ultimate goal is to replace as much as possible the functions and public benefits of the destroyed wetlands. The Clean Water Act (CWA) was enacted to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of…
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What is Wetland Mitigation?

Wetlands of Turtle Bayou, Louisiana
Wetlands are a crucial part of our environment that we must strive to protect at all costs. Destroying these regions will negatively impact our environment and disrupt the surrounding ecosystems. To safeguard our wetlands, we must practice wetland mitigation. Also known as compensatory mitigation, wetland mitigation is the process of…
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